It's a Life Changer

This is the greatest thing you will ever do for your success, peace of mind and confidence

The Timeline program can release your past, your fears and past trauma. The Future Timeline will create the power, confidence and joy that you deserve.

This course is a powerful combination of hypnosis sessions that will help you make a fast and lasting change in your life.
Do you struggle with new commitments even with your best intentions?
When you try to make a change is you promise good but your actions are weak?
Do you feel like you will just fail every time you try to change a bad habit?
It is time for some big change!

Create a New Commitment-

If you have wished, hoped, dreamed and begged yourself to have self discipline, you will love this first session. Not only will you create new habit (and give the old one a kick in the butt) you will do it with ease.

This is an interesting process of future pacing your new habit, to the feeling you have at the end of the day when you kept your commitment all day.

You can use this to stop bad habits, like drinking or smoking, or biting your fingernails.

Or you could use it to install a good habit like following through on a specific project, staying focused, being more productive. Be as general or specific as you like. You can become a person who has drive, focus, and commitment and do it with eeeeaaassse!

Time Line Clearing and Creation

If you have never experienced a future Time Line creation session, you are about to change the way you feel about your future in a very short time.

You will start with the TIME LINE OF YOUR PAST, doing the clearing sessions which will resolve conflicts and take the trauma and emotional weight out of the negatively impactful events of your life.

Next you will change the orientation of your Past Time Line to give you a new perspective. If you like it, you leave it there. If not, you keep it right where it was.


If you have never planted seeds of future events on a timeline you are missing out on one of the most extraordinary experiences in life.

No one knows why, but when you vividly plant the ideas in your future, they come to be. Your mind connects this future memory with emotion, thoughts, words, visions, and gratitude…and then you wait. Often, your future outcome happens even sooner than you expect it.

So, why isn’t everyone doing this, you ask?


Perhaps they just don’t know how, or don’t feel like it, or have no clue how to do it.
Now you can do it with these sessions that are specific to the needs you have. You will use these again, and again, and again, and so on.

Future Creation - Health

Find the specific health issue that you want to change and use this as the topic of your Vibrant Health Timeline.
You will put your health issues into this session and experience yourself feeling better, finding healing, releasing the problems related to health and creating a blueprint for your brain to have better health.

Power and Confidence

Use this session to tackle a specific fear or insecurity.
In your future memory, you will be doing a specific task and applying and amplifying your abilities. Use this for work situations, dating, parties, public speaking… or where ever you need more power.

Love and Sex

Make it juicy. Overcome inhibitions, become more romantic and communicate more deeply. Get past any sexual fears or guilt. Improve your stamina and endurance. In this future memory you will be creating the love you want, the sex you know you need, and the passion that will leave a smile on your face all day!

Enjoy your special Time Line journey sessions.

I sure loved creating them.

Hypnosis Sessions

Intro to Time Line

Past Time Line - Orientation
Past Time Line - Release and Resolve
Future Time Line - Create and Commit
Future Timeline Creation Introduction

Power and Confidence

Love and Sex

There is so much power in this program

Supercharged Transformation!

  • Stuck In The Past?

    Old memories create issues that make it very hard to move forward. You can work really hard to move past these old issues, but the beliefs were created as a result keep you stuck in the old patterns.

  • A Clear and Purposeful Experience of Your Future

    This is not just visualizing your future. This experience takes you into your future to fully embody the results and the person you are with success, strength, joy and freedom.

  • Why Does This Create Such a Big Change?

    After you release the past, the mind can accept the changes you are experiencing in the future. You are creating WHO you are and WHAT you believe about yourself. You operate from the beliefs of this future. Your subconscious mind holds these future memories as real memories. It is a great feeling.

Here's what I have created for you in this course

Get ready, things are about to change

    1. Future Timeline Introduction

    2. Future Timeline- Creation and Commitment

    3. Future Timeline- Health

    4. Future Timeline- Power and Confidence

    5. Future Timeline- Love and Sex

About this course

  • $59.90
  • 8 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

This program is priceless. There is so much healing and creating for you

Get started so you can feel it from head to toe!