Wake Up Happy!
Course4.5 average rating (2 reviews)8 sessions. My new Wake Up Happy morning sessions will get you out of bed feeling amazing. This technique that eliminates worry, anxiety, depression and sadness. Use this in the morning instead of your alarm clock, and you WILL be happy!
Meditations- Experience Blissology
Course30 days of powerful meditations to create a LIFE YOU LOVE! Commit to 20 minutes a day. Bring your open mind. End your worry, anger, conflict. Get out of your rut. Be more creative, wise and happy. You will really say, “I Love My Life!”
In Control
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Adult Content....End Premature Ejaculation. Hypnosis will train your brain and body to last longer and enjoy sex more. Your subconscious mind has the power to end this problem.
Magnificent Memory
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)7 Hypnosis Sessions. Create a powerful state of focus and retention. End test anxiety. Recall names easily. Memory Magic and Mind Machines. This will amaze you! Get your brain power now!
The Anxiety Cure
Course5.0 average rating (3 reviews)Got Anxiety? If you are struggling with the fear, depression and pain of anxiety you may have found the cure. I am ready to change your mind and your life forever. Deep change you will love.
Past Life Regression
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Have you ever wondered if you might have been alive before this life? Do you want to find out who you were in a previous life? Release past life conflicts, restore spiritual peace and balance with this hypnotherapy program!