Do It Now Live
BundleSTOP Procrastination NOW! w/bonus CREATIVE GENIUS FOR FREE!($49 VALUE) Your life doesn't have to be a long history of unfinished projects, piles of paper, messy rooms, and self sabotage lurking around every corner. With Hypnosis You can change it!
Luck Of Your Life
CourseIs it about beating the system? Or trying to get something for nothing? Or is it a state of mind that is created from integrity, love, desire and joy that brings good things to you easily? You can have massive good luck in your life.
Love Yourself!
Course5.0 average rating (4 reviews)Here is a life changer! This package of hypnotherapy sessions will restore your inner strength, integrity, self-love and lift your soul! This will heal so much, and give you the new start you deserve!
Think Yourself Thin- a 7 day hypnotic infusion
CourseThink Yourself Thin- 7 day hypnotic transformation. Do you eat too fast? Are you always hungry? Need to get your emotional eating in control? Feel you can't stop eating? HYPNOSIS is the FAST way to stop.
The Swish- Big Change, Fast!
Course5.0 average rating (5 reviews)The Swish is a powerful transforming hypnosis session. Release fears, doubt memories. Create confidence and strength. Use this for ANY issue, and feel instant relief. FREE GIFT- The Sweet Surrender program. BLISSFUL joy!
Break Free- End Pornography Addiction with hypnosis
Course4.7 average rating (3 reviews)Pornography Addiction is hard to break. Hypnotherapy can release the habitual state, change the triggers, restore a healthy sexual attitude and make you respect your relationships, family and self.